Oojuk Shiraegi Doenjang Guk (Ox Feet Cabbage Soup)
우족시래기 된장국
Ox feet and dried cabbage leaves combine to form a wonderfully savory soup. You can typically find the ox feet at Korean grocery stores, sliced very thinly.
Recipe Ingredients:
- 4 ox feet (buy as thinly sliced as possible - this is available at Korean grocers)
- 8-9 cups water
- 7-8 peeled garlic pieces
- ½ tsp black peppercorns
- 2 giant green onion or leek (daepa)
- 10 oz dried napa cabbage leaves, soaked; or fresh napa leaves that have been boiled (shiragi 시라기)
- 1 tbsp soybean paste (doenjang)
- 1 tbsp minced garlic
- ½ tbsp sesame oil
- dash salt and pepper
- 1 tbsp soybean powder (konggaru) - this is optional
- 2-3 tbsp of water
Recipe Steps:
- Soak ox feet pieces in enough cold water to cover for 1/2 hr to get the blood out. Drain, then add enough cold water to cover again and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, drain the water and discard again.
- Add new water (approximately 8-9 cups to cover ox feet), garlic, peppercorn, and giant green onion or leek. Bring it to boil and cook on medium heat for 3 hours, adding more water when the water level gets low.
- After 3 hours, remove the ox feet and skim off the grease from the top of the broth using a sieve or a scooper. Save the stock.
- Separate the chewy white meat from the ox feet using your hands or if necessary a knife. Sprinkle with a dash of salt and pepper, mixing well. Set aside.
- Squeeze out water from the soaked dried cabbage leaves, and cut into bite sized pieces. Into the cabbage leaves, add the soybean paste, garlic and sesame oil, mixing well.
- Separately, put the soybean powder in a bowl and mix it well with 2-3 tbsp of water.
- Add the seasoned cabbage leaves into the stock and bring to a boil. When the cabbage leaves get tender, add the soybean liquid and the ox feet meat. Bring the soup to a boil and then turn the heat off – add salt and pepper to taste.
Serving Size: 4-5
Preparation Time: 40 minutes
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