I've seen these noodles at the grocery stores and am curious. They seem to be promoted for weight loss. Has anyone had them? How do you cook them and do they actually taste good?
I've seen these noodles at the grocery stores and am curious. They seem to be promoted for weight loss. Has anyone had them? How do you cook them and do they actually taste good?
I heard that to help weight loss shirataki noodles expand in your stomach... Anyone know if this is true or if you have had personal experience with a shirataki diet?
They're not too bad ... try a traditional kind of stir fry and they turn out pretty good.
Ugh, I agree ... these are pretty bad. I tried shirtaki noodles a few times and I just gave up!
Yes, I tried the shirataki noodle brand "Miracle Noodle" which are made of naturally water soluble fiber with no fat, sugar, or starch. and contain zero net carbohydrates and zero calories, no gluten -made of a healthy natural fiber called Glucomannan. They are a great alternative for people that are cutting out carbs. Here's the bottom line: Alone, they taste DISGUSTING. And you have to rinse them (as per instructions) or they taste even worse. So if you rinse them thoroughly and put them in a soup, they are not half bad. Dry stir-frying them is also good. Also, I imagine they would be good in a nice peanut sauce (with lots of peanut sauce) They don't really taste like much, and the consistency is a little wierd and slimey until you get used to it. If you are looking for a tasty noodle - this is not it. If you are using them for weight-loss, this is the lowest-carb alternative that can be disguised with other tastes...Hope that helps